First Nations Home Health Blog

Meeting of the Minds Help to Connect the Hearts

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The Meeting of the Minds Dementia Conference was at the Riverside Convention Center in downtown St. Paul on March 12, 2015 … and HealthStar/First Nations Home Health was there! Hosted by the Alzheimer’s Association Minnesota-North Dakota Chapter and Mayo Clinic, the conference draws over 1,300 participants and over 70 sponsors and exhibits. Imagine a convergence of persons with dementia, family caregivers and professionals all learning, sharing and networking. The passion to provide the best care, identify resources and support for those in need of Alzheimer and dementia care was palpable.

HealthStar Home Health's NIlda
Nilda of HealthStar with Lucinda Hochsprun

The most memorable moment of the day for the HealthStar/First Nations team was when Lucinda Hochsprung visited our exhibit. She shared that she attended the conference last year and learned about First Nations’s Alzheimer’s Whisperer program. With much appreciation for the First Nations team and what she learned, Lucinda shared, “I found HealthStar's Alzheimer’s Whisperer information very helpful with my Dad.” It was a touching moment that affirmed the importance of the services that are provided and the lives that are positively touched by HealthStar/First Nations.

First Nations understands how overwhelming and difficult it can be to care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or other Dementias. Our multidisciplinary team provides a comprehensive and effective Alzheimer’s and Dementia Home Care Program, so you can care for your loved one at home or an Assisted Living setting. In addition to the “Becoming an Alzheimer’s Whisperer ” program, First Nations also offers the Memory Café for individuals with early memory loss. It’s an opportunity for everyone to come together to share stories and laughter with supportive resources in an environment that is understanding. After all, our loved ones with Alzheimer’s and dementia deserve as much love, understanding, compassion and support that we can provide.

 To learn more about the Meeting of the Minds Dementia Conference, click here. To learn more about First Nations Home Health's Alzheimer's Whisperer Program, please visit our Alzheimer's and Dementia page.

-Xaulanda Simmonds-Emmanuel
Branch Manager, HealthStar/First Nations Home Health



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